These are detailed forms, which helps us understand your portrait requirements.

If you would like to discuss questions, concerns or our availability, please telephone (303) 699-2200, FaceTime us on (303) 903-1627 or stop by our Southland's (Picture It Studios) Portrait Studio at 6150 Main Street, Suite 109, Aurora, CO 80016. We are across the street from Mt. Fugi Restaurant, and next door to the Cookie Company. If you need information, insert "Consult" on the "types of photos needed" line. Otherwise, please complete the listed items below, then press the Send button located at the bottom of the form.

The Studio is closed many Tuesdays & Wednesdays, but telephone (303-699-2200) or e-mail ( messages are checked daily. We are Open the remaining days of the week, with the Studio opening at 11:00 a.m. most days, Noon on Sundays.

Alternate Date you would prefer & additional information

This is a good place to put if you have a specific color or mood for the session in mind. Are you recreating an old photo? Are you all wearing bright colors? Are you interested in a specific prop or backdrop? Anything you think would be helpful in getting setup for your session.